Three months exactly.
As I think about that I'm filled with conflicting emotions... Anxiety. Excitement. Sorrow. Happiness. Mourning. Rejoicing. And oh so much more!
But I am not focusing on those things right now. I actually want to share an article that I just read which totally hits home.
The Teary Expat Mom: Shopping
In some ways, it could have been me writing that blog article.
See, all summer long we were clothes hunting at garage sales, gratefully accepting things from friends (and strangers!), and bargain hunting every time I stepped into any store (after all, who knows if the grocery, or hardware store may have a good deal on infant spoons or girls' sunglasses!).

But regardless of what clothes, shoes, toys, games, or foods are packed - we will all be ok. Even if Noe and I leave all of our own clothes here so that our books can go with the girls' stuff, we'll be ok! Stuff isn't really all that important, after all... Though it can be comforting... :)
We are so grateful to people who have given so much to us (and our growing girls' clothing stash), and who continue to do so! Just while we've been here in Durham, we are already borrowing:
a van
a double stroller
high chairs
a baby carrier
baby car seats
and even more!
We are so grateful that people aren't so attached to their stuff, that they are willing to let us use it for a time! It's a good example.