Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The transition that never ends"

Just read this article and wow - it's good. Great for you to read and to get a little glimpse into the transitions that are a normal part of life lived in some ex-patriot communities... And in some ways, around CI-UCBC. This is what's coming up for us. We've been the Stayers. We were the Goers. Now, we will be the Newbies. Wow!

Talk about transition.

It's a good reminder that we are foreigners on this earth... Saying goodbye and yet... Looking forward to the day when we are in our real, true home.

But for now, lots of transitions in front of us. Hope you enjoy the article.

The transition that never ends: The ongoing cycle of expat Stayers, Goers and Newbies

by Jerry Jones

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