Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Winter in Wisconsin


We find ourselves in another mid-western winter, and we are trying to stay warm! Joy loves being outside, each day she spends a bit of time looking at and telling us about the snow, squirrels, trees, and any neighbors who happen to be walking their dogs. She would love to be out there much more than we allow... But it's just been so cold! Hopefully this cold spell that is coming (back again!?) this week will be brief, and she can go out and play again very soon. We love snow!

In the meantime, she has had to entertain herself indoors with books, blocks, and hanging out with her month-old baby sister Anna!

Anna Ushindi was born on January 17th! (Anna meaning full of grace and one who gives grace, Ushindi is a Kiswahili name meaning victory. For us we pray that Anna will be gracious and aware of the grace and victory that she can receive in Christ). She was a healthy 7 pounds, 21 inches long. She is now over 10 pounds and eating lots to try to catch up with big sister Joy!

We are all doing well and enjoying getting to know our newest family member. Joy loves her sister - she gives her lots of kisses, hugs, tries to share her toys (and food) with Anna. It's sweet to see her caring spirit come out in many ways. Anna is fairly relaxed (especially right now which is how we're even updating our blog! Yay!), she sleeps quite a bit, eats very frequently, she is not easily startled by Joy's loud yelps of excitement or flying toys. When the toys smack her on the head she may cry, but she is pretty laid back. At least for now.

We praise God for the warmth and safety of our apartment. And the beautiful views of the snow from inside! Here are a few moments from the past few weeks and months!

with love,
Noé, Bethany, Joy, & Anna Kasali

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