Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Providing Counseling in the DRC

As our time in Waukesha, WI wraps up, we are so grateful for the great experiences we have had here. From Noé's internship at New Life Resources (NLR), to enjoying Epikos church, and Elmbrook Church, to the kids that live in our apartment complex, to having time with old friends, and making new friends - we have deeply appreciated our time in Waukesha.

Now we are focusing on preparing all of the things we will need for ministry in Congo. This means contextualizing the counseling practices and resources from NLR & Wheaton College, designing different curriculum for workshops, trainings, classes, and group counseling, raising support for this ministry, and talking with CI/UCBC about what our roles will look like when we return to Beni. We're also figuring what we need to pack for these girls... They are growing fast, so we have to take several sizes of some clothes for them! There is a lot to consider and so much to do. And since we're not leaving the country just yet... We still have time. Time to plan, time to enjoy summer, time to pack, time to play with the girls, time to enjoy dear ones around us. 

For more details on what our counseling ministry will entail, click here.


Noé, Bethany, Joy & Anna 

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