Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The transition that never ends"

Just read this article and wow - it's good. Great for you to read and to get a little glimpse into the transitions that are a normal part of life lived in some ex-patriot communities... And in some ways, around CI-UCBC. This is what's coming up for us. We've been the Stayers. We were the Goers. Now, we will be the Newbies. Wow!

Talk about transition.

It's a good reminder that we are foreigners on this earth... Saying goodbye and yet... Looking forward to the day when we are in our real, true home.

But for now, lots of transitions in front of us. Hope you enjoy the article.

The transition that never ends: The ongoing cycle of expat Stayers, Goers and Newbies

by Jerry Jones

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Thinking about packing...

Although we're currently in Durham, NC, and will fly from Wisconsin to Uganda, we're getting closer to leaving, to going to Congo.

Three months exactly.

As I think about that I'm filled with conflicting emotions... Anxiety. Excitement. Sorrow. Happiness. Mourning. Rejoicing. And oh so much more!

But I am not focusing on those things right now. I actually want to share an article that I just read which totally hits home.

The Teary Expat Mom: Shopping

In some ways, it could have been me writing that blog article.

See, all summer long we were clothes hunting at garage sales, gratefully accepting things from friends (and strangers!), and bargain hunting every time I stepped into any store (after all, who knows if the grocery, or hardware store may have a good deal on infant spoons or girls' sunglasses!).

We collected clothes that not only fit our daughters right now, but also things that they may fit into a year from now. And as we've compiled lists and tried as best as we can to plan ahead... We will be taking a lot of clothes to Congo this December. And it is so hard to know what size Joy will wear in six months. Or how many sizes Anna will go through in that time. It's been overwhelming to try to plan for the future when the future is unknown.

But regardless of what clothes, shoes, toys, games, or foods are packed - we will all be ok. Even if Noe and I leave all of our own clothes here so that our books can go with the girls' stuff, we'll be ok! Stuff isn't really all that important, after all... Though it can be comforting... :)

We are so grateful to people who have given so much to us (and our growing girls' clothing stash), and who continue to do so! Just while we've been here in Durham, we are already borrowing:
a van
a double stroller
high chairs
a baby carrier
baby car seats
and even more!

We are so grateful that people aren't so attached to their stuff, that they are willing to let us use it for a time! It's a good example.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Two years old!

Happy birthday to our sweet first born child! Her birthday was at the end of May :) It's incredible to see how much she has changed and grown up in two years.

Joy had a great birthday - we celebrated with her cousins and extended family the day before.

And then she got to celebrate again and blow out another candle on her actual birthday, with just the four of us.

Anna is growing up quickly as well! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Providing Counseling in the DRC

As our time in Waukesha, WI wraps up, we are so grateful for the great experiences we have had here. From Noé's internship at New Life Resources (NLR), to enjoying Epikos church, and Elmbrook Church, to the kids that live in our apartment complex, to having time with old friends, and making new friends - we have deeply appreciated our time in Waukesha.

Now we are focusing on preparing all of the things we will need for ministry in Congo. This means contextualizing the counseling practices and resources from NLR & Wheaton College, designing different curriculum for workshops, trainings, classes, and group counseling, raising support for this ministry, and talking with CI/UCBC about what our roles will look like when we return to Beni. We're also figuring what we need to pack for these girls... They are growing fast, so we have to take several sizes of some clothes for them! There is a lot to consider and so much to do. And since we're not leaving the country just yet... We still have time. Time to plan, time to enjoy summer, time to pack, time to play with the girls, time to enjoy dear ones around us. 

For more details on what our counseling ministry will entail, click here.


Noé, Bethany, Joy & Anna 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Winter in Wisconsin


We find ourselves in another mid-western winter, and we are trying to stay warm! Joy loves being outside, each day she spends a bit of time looking at and telling us about the snow, squirrels, trees, and any neighbors who happen to be walking their dogs. She would love to be out there much more than we allow... But it's just been so cold! Hopefully this cold spell that is coming (back again!?) this week will be brief, and she can go out and play again very soon. We love snow!

In the meantime, she has had to entertain herself indoors with books, blocks, and hanging out with her month-old baby sister Anna!

Anna Ushindi was born on January 17th! (Anna meaning full of grace and one who gives grace, Ushindi is a Kiswahili name meaning victory. For us we pray that Anna will be gracious and aware of the grace and victory that she can receive in Christ). She was a healthy 7 pounds, 21 inches long. She is now over 10 pounds and eating lots to try to catch up with big sister Joy!

We are all doing well and enjoying getting to know our newest family member. Joy loves her sister - she gives her lots of kisses, hugs, tries to share her toys (and food) with Anna. It's sweet to see her caring spirit come out in many ways. Anna is fairly relaxed (especially right now which is how we're even updating our blog! Yay!), she sleeps quite a bit, eats very frequently, she is not easily startled by Joy's loud yelps of excitement or flying toys. When the toys smack her on the head she may cry, but she is pretty laid back. At least for now.

We praise God for the warmth and safety of our apartment. And the beautiful views of the snow from inside! Here are a few moments from the past few weeks and months!

with love,
Noé, Bethany, Joy, & Anna Kasali